Thursday, June 16, 2022

Eppu Normaali - Aknepop (Acne pop) (1978)

Eppu Normaali - Aknepop (Acne pop) (1978)

Tracklist front / back album covers download

Teen sinusta muusia (I'm Gonna Beat You into Pulp)   2.42

Diggaan itseäni (I Dig Myself)   2.36

James Dean (taas) (James Dean (Again))   1.50

Oi maa (Oh, This Country)   2.32

Oppi tulee idästä (Doctrine Comes From the East)   2.16

Kekkonen rock (Kekkonen Rock)   1.34 (Suomen Talvisota 1939-1940 cover)

Poliisi pamputtaa ([the] Police beats [with truncheon])   1.52

Poliisi pamputtaa taas ([the] Police beats [with truncheon] again)   1.52

Rääväsuita ei haluta Suomeen (Loudmouths are not desired in Finland)   3.06

Sotilaallinen tyhjiö (Military Vacuum)   3.40

Kaljaa nuorille (Beer for the Youth)   2.54

Suomi ryömii (Finland Crawls)   2.16

Kuka ön Pertti Ström (Who is Pertti Ström?)   2.05
(näin on) (so it is)   0.04

Aknepop is Eppu Normaali's first album released in May 1978. It was recorded 13–15 March 1978. Pertti Ström is a secret name of Epe Helenius. He used the name to write to Finnish music magazine Soundi.

Eppu Normaali is one of the most popular rock bands in Finland. The band formed in 1976 in Ylöjärvi, a small town near Tampere. The band is the best-selling music artist in Finland, with certified sales of nearly two million records, and it has also gained success especially in the use of the Finnish language in rock lyrics. In addition to their studio albums, Eppu Normaali also released live records, DVDs, and over 20 singles.

Eppu Normaali's most famous songs include "Vuonna '85" (In the Year '85), "Kitara, taivas ja tähdet" (The Guitar, the Sky and the Stars), "Murheellisten laulujen maa" (Land of Sad Songs), "Pimeyden tango" (Tango of Darkness), "Suolaista sadetta" (Salty Rain) and "Tahroja paperilla" (Stains on Paper).

Eppu Normaali Discography Full

Studio albums
1978 Aknepop (Acne pop)
1979 Maximum Jee&Jee
1980 Akun tehdas (Aku's Factory)
1981 Cocktail Bar - Musiikkia Rantalasta (Cocktail Bar — Music from Rantala)
1982 Tie vie (The Road Carries)
1983 Aku ja köyhät pojat (Aku and the Poor Boys)
1984 Rupisia riimejä karmeita tarinoita (Scabby 1984 Rhymes and Frightening Stories)
1985 Kahdeksas ihme (Eighth Wonder)
1986 Valkoinen kupla (White Bubble)
1988 Imperiumin vastaisku (The Empire Strikes Back)
1990 Historian suurmiehiä (Great Men of History)
1993 Studio Etana (Studio Snail)
2004 Sadan vuoden päästäkin (Even After a Hundred Years)
2007 Syvään päähän (To the Deep End)
2011 Mutala
2012 Mutala, Pure Audio Blu-ray

Live albums
1980 Elävänä Euroopassa (Alive in Europe)
1994 Onko vielä pitkä matka jonnekin? (Is there still a long way to somewhere?)

Compilation albums
1982 Pop pop pop (Pop pop pop)
1984 Hatullinen paskaa (A hatful of shit)
1987 Aku, Juha, Martti ja Mikko² - soolot (Aku, Juha, Martti and Mikko² - solos)
1987 Poko-klassikko (Poko-classic)
1989 Lyömättömät (Unbeatables)
1990 Hatullinen paskaa/Soolot (A hatful of shit/Solos)
1991 Paskahatun paluu (Shithat's return)
1996 Repullinen hittejä (A bagful of hits)
2003 Reppu 2 - toinen repullinen kuolemattomia Eppu-klassikoita (Bag 2 - another bagful of immortal Eppu-classics)
2003 Singlet 1978–2003 (Singles 1978–2003)
2009 Jackpot - 101 Eppu-klassikkoa 1978–2009 (Jackpot - 101 Eppu-classics 1978–2009) (6 CD)

1981 The Saimaa Gesture

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