Friday, June 11, 2021

James Brown - Bring It On! (1983)

James Brown - Bring It On! (1983)

Tracklist front / back album covers
James Brown - Bring It On!

1. "Bring It On...Bring It On"   4:04
2. "Today"   5:05
3. "You Can't Keep a Good Man Down"   4:50
4. "Tennessee Waltz"   3:26
5. "Night Time Is the Right Time"   5:40
6. "For Your Precious Love"   5:40

Bring It On! is the 52nd studio album by American musician James Brown. The album belongs in the Funk/Soul genre and was released in 1983, by Churchill/ Augusta Sound in US. It was released in an LP format as a vinyl album. The songs were recorded with Jimmy Nola, Arthur Dickson, and J.B,'s Internationals.

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