Thursday, September 8, 2022

Joaquín Sabina - Física y química (Physics and Chemistry) (1992)

Joaquín Sabina - Física y química (Physics and Chemistry) (1992)

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1. "Y nos dieron las diez (We went on till ten o clock)"   05:02

2. "Conductores suicidas (Suicide drivers)"   05:03

3. "Yo quiero ser una chica almodovar (I want to be an Almodovar girl)"   04:11

4. "A la orilla de la chimenea (By the edge of the fireplace)"   04:08

5. "Todos menos tú (Everyone but you)"   04:26

6. "La del pirata cojo (The life of the crippled pirate)"   04:38

7. "La canción de las noches perdidas (The song of the lost nights)"   03:54

8. "Los cuentos que yo cuento (The thales I tell)"   03:27

9. "Peor para el sol (Worse for the sun)"   04:55

10. "Amor se llama el juego (Love is the name of the game)"   04:33

11. "Pastillas para no soñar (Pills to not to dream)"   03:58

Física y química (English: "Physics and Chemistry") is the 8th studio album of the Spanish singer-songwriter Joaquín Sabina, which was released in 1992, two years after Mentiras Piadosas, his previous release. This album is one of Sabina's most popular, and also marked a "before and after" in his career. Unexpectedly, the sales of this album set another record in the trajectory of the performer, outselling Hotel dulce hotel, which was, until then, his best selling album.

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